Monday, August 13, 2007


To quote one of my favorite movies: "It looks like someone has a case of the Mondays." (name that movie please) That was me. Well, it actually started Sunday after church. I don't know what happens, but most weeks after Sunday morning, I am spent. I don't really know how or why or anything like that, but it just sucks everything out of me. I admit if I was being diagnosed at that moment I would have been labelled "depressed." It is tough, but I know what happens. It is because I put my whole self into it. I give it my all. That part makes me feel good -- aka cheers me up. So how do I recover every week? Sleep is a big help! Relaxing is good. And I usually try to do a couple of projects. It makes me feel good when I finish something. Take today for example. I fixed my tractor (the broken tractor did not help yesterday with my feeling down), mowed my grass (boy did it need it), fixed my driveway, and ran a couple of errands. Not to mention I had a fun night at the Living Room Small Group #1. So now it is Monday night, and honestly I am ready to go for tomorrow, ready to do the things that I need to do. This is just my weekly routine. In case you're wondering, that is one of the main reasons I take off Mondays.

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