Thursday, August 2, 2007


Right now I am frustrated. I'm having a tough time working on Sunday's message. 1 Samuel 24 is all about revenge (or lack there of) and forgiveness. After doing a lot of studying of the passage, no problem. I get it. I understand it. Then on to the task of relating it to our lives, that part was easy. At first, I was thinking we would never try to kill someone so what is the point. Well upon further research and understanding, though we may not try to kill someone, we often find a way to retaliate against our enemies. So all of that is not a problem. All of that is easy.
But the problem comes when I get to the end. As I was working on all of this, I kept thinking that there will be people who need to hear about forgiveness. People who need to forgive. No I am not thinking about anyone in particular. But I just feel it is out there.
True forgiveness does not happen in three minutes at the altar. It doesn't happen by having the pastor ask people who need to forgive to raise their hands and then pray for them. It just doesn't work that way.
So now I am thinking I am opening up a huge can of worms without a proper system of follow-up in place. I need there to be "forgiveness groups" that are set up and ready to go. I need to have better resources to help people on this journey. I need people not just to hear the word but to do something about it. I would like to have a whole "forgiveness" division of
Bakerstown Alliance including small group forgiveness leaders and a resource person who would collect, organize, and maintain material pertaining to forgiveness. I also need a couple of well- trained forgiveness counselors that could deal with these issues on a one-on-one basis. And this is Thursday and I need to have this all up and ready to go by Sunday at 10. Now keep in mind next week I will have a need for a whole other division of Bakerstown Alliance. Oh I forgot to mention that we only have a shoe string budget (actually to call it a shoe string budget is a insult to shoe string budgets)
This is what frustrates me. I will do what I have to do and depend on God to get us through it.

1 comment:

B.W. said...

forgiveness groups would be cool among other things. we need to have a total brainstorming session for a church vision or something... isnt that what board meetings should be about?