Someday I know that I will sleep through the night again, where I will not be woken up by a little one crying. Boy do I miss those days. I often walk around like a zombie (and I will be the first to admit Heather has it even worse) just because of the lack of a decent night's sleep. Sometimes I try to think I and will just about have an intelligent thought, and my mind will just go blank. Man that is kinda frustrating at times. Now the amazing part is that God has given me enough sustained brain power to get the things done that I need to get done. So I am really grateful for that.
Now let me make something very clear here; I would not trade it for the world. As I sit here and type, feeling sleepy, and Samuel's crying, I would not trade it for the world. No it doesn't make sense to me. 3 years ago I would tell you that it would be impossible.
Sleep, yeah that is nice. 2 little gifts from God, even nicer. 1 loving wife, amazing!
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