I am sorry to all my readers out there for not blogging the last couple of days. So what have I been doing? Well we had our annual District Conference. I thought I would have some free time during the conference to check in and maybe post some thoughts. Didn't work out that way. So what did I learn/do at district conference? Glad you asked.
- I did a lot of talking with my friends. Wish I was better at keeping in contact with people. I am horrible at it. It is nice when you get to see a lot of friends/colleagues.
- Ministry is tough. Have a lot of friends who are really hurting, please pray for them.
- I learned that I am a freak. Ok I guess I knew that. Went through a very long (thank you God for giving us coffee) IDAK training seminar. Interesting what you learn about yourself.
- We honored those who retired from ministry this past year; I want that to be me. Those guys, wow! What men of God. They are legendary!
- I don't like by-laws. I understand the necessity for them, but I'm not a by-law guy
- How do you think we could revise and update Mr. Roberts Rules of Order to make them make sense? What do you think about Mr. Rogers Rules of Order? :)
- I always feel younger after district conference (why are most pastors old? :) )
- Miss being around my family :(
- The chairs could have been a little more comfortable, or the sessions a little shorter
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