Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Update on My Frustrating Day

I did go to bed early last night. And by the time I woke up, things appeared not that much different. I started trying to get the water back to normal. I thought that I could basically flip a switch and it would work. Well it wasn't that simple. But I kept at it, and figured it out in about 45 minutes. Now my wife could verify this for you, but my day does not begin until I get a shower. So I got the water working, and took a shower. Suddenly the world was right.
So I began to tackle today's tasks. No problem. I am sitting here smiling, happy, and enjoying life once again.
God is big enough to pull you through any "arghish" (I think that word might stick around for a while) situations you might have. God is the God of rest -- boy did I need that. God is the God of hope -- He gave it to me. God is God!

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