Sunday, November 30, 2008

A mouse in the house!!!

This afternoon, I was just sitting and relaxing when Heather started saying, "There is a mouse, there is a mouse!" Then she grabs Samuel and leaves the room with the instructions, "Get it!" Hmm...there are so many different directions to go with this so I guess I will try and give a couple different views:
  • The Hero View: Yeah, I came, I saw, I caught, and I got rid of it! Big tough guy huh?
  • The Lazy Cat View: During this time of catching the mouse, my cat was around, so I figured he would catch it right? Well it took me a lot of effort go get that cat to even acknowledge that the mouse was there. Really, why do we have a cat? I have a new theory that my cat sees a lot of mice everyday and is just too lazy to get them.
  • The Animal Lover View: My cat did not get the mouse. I did not kill the mouse. I caught the mouse. And then after I caught the mouse I released it into its natural habit. (ie the woods)
  • The Ironic View: The little mouse will probably be eaten by a bigger creature out in the woods.

Care to vote for your favorite, or add any?

Friday, November 28, 2008

I have everything

Being that it is Thanksgiving season and all of that, I realized something interesting. I have everything. I am content. I have a refrigerator full of food (ok stuffed). And then today is "Black Friday." I looked at some adds for different sales. I just don't need anything. There was nothing I had to have. Maybe a couple things that would have been nice, but in general nothing I needed. So what did I do today? Hung out with my family. Lot more fun then waiting in 3 hours lines hoping for a good deal.
Now here are a couple of questions for you:
  • Am I content because I have enough "stuff" or is there something else that causes the contentedness?
  • What does one person need to be content?
  • How can we help other's realize what they have and become content with what they have?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The one true bailout

The whole economic uncertainty has a lot of people on edge. People are worried about having a job, losing their retirement, and paying their bills. I admit I don't have all the answers. I will also admit that I don't think we can point to one person or one event that caused all of this. Now here is what I find interesting, people think that the government can save them. No, this is not meant to bash the government or anything like that. But the government is made of humans. Humans are incapable of rescuing anyone, or should I say bailing out everyone. That is not to be mean to the government. But the thing is the One who is capable of a bailout is Christ. His bailout is not a band aid or anything like that, His bailout will last forever.
Yes watching your 401K or IRA lose money is tough. But rather than put your faith in the people that are running the government, put your faith in God. Get that straight, make that your top priority. Then the economic problems are a whole lot less bothersome.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Im too old to be doing stuff like that

I was packing the car to leave Heather's relatives house yesterday. Somehow I did not see this shiny patch were I just happened to step on. Oops! Needless to say I went down like the stock market, fast and painful. Then I watch my 1 year old son fall about 234234 times a day. He does not even say "ouch". He just gets up and falls again. Me? I am sore for the next day or two. Man getting old is for the birds.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Remind me not to be a pig!

In the midst of the economic melt down that supposedly we are facing, I am staring down having 4 thanksgiving dinners. Wow! That is a lot! I don't know how that all works for me. I just got to make sure I don't eat too much.
Here is interesting part about that. I could sit here and complain about having to eat 4 Thanksgiving dinner and the fact that turkey is not my favorite. And how hard I have it, having to eat all those Thanksgiving dinners.
Stop! I am thankful for those opportunities. I am looking forward to spending time with family and friends. So no, don't feel bad for me. Once again, I am pretty sure I am the most blessed person in the whole world

Light in the Darkness

Going inside Blanchard House since the fire is, well, depressing. The way the smoke went through out the house made the whole thing black. literally looks like everything was painted black. On top of that, there were some windows that were broke and are now boarded up, making it even more dark.
FireDex came out the other day and strung some temporary lights. What a difference a little light makes. It is much better. Lot less depressing. Lot more hopeful.
Yes light penetrates darkness. We are called to be light. I know we tend to think our light is insignificant. But any light helps. Be the Light


I have not been blogging that much this week. My bad. I guess one of the reasons is Anne of Green Gables. Yes, it is true. I watched not just the first one (3.5 hours), not just the 2nd one (4 hours), but both of those and the 3rd one (3 hours). I will say though that I did enjoy them all. I know they are suppose to be chick flicks. But I am man enough to watch them and admit that I like them.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What I get to come home to

Sometimes people don't know how good they have it. I do know. I know I have it good. I get to come home everyday from working to the two greatest kids that one could ever have. Little Samuel gets so excited when he sees me coming home. Isaiah normally puts on this high pitch "daddy" when he sees me. Then I have the wife of my dreams there to. Now I am not saying any of this to earn brownie points or anything like that. I am just thankful for all that God has given me.
I wish I knew why God blessed me this much. I know myself too well to know that I do not deserve all of this.
Honestly, I do hope and pray that everyone gets to experience the joy that I get to experience. Wish I could give you a 3 step plan or something on how to do it. But, I don't have the answers. I am just thankful.

Getting to know the Church

Notice I made sure Church was capitalized. I am talking about the universal Church. One of the cool things that I get to do as the Director of the Lighthouse is go to different churches and tell them about the Lighthouse. Now what is cool about this, is while I am there, of course I am scoping everything out. See how different churches do things. Just is really interesting. There are 2 points I want to make about all of this:
  1. There is no one way to do church. Everyone is different. Everyone should be different. You have to realize who you are as a church and do church based on who you are.
  2. God does not go to one church. God is all around. No one church has God to themselves

I am looking forward to getting to go to more churches. Just to see how things are done and getting to see a greater glimpse of the Church.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

"I don't know how"

Something that is on my brain today. It has to do with trying. At the Lighthouse today someone said to me "I didn't know how to do it, so I didn't do anything." Then also there is my son Isaiah. He will tell me he cant do something and he never even gave it a try.
Those things bug me. It is a result of being afraid to fail. We need to get over that. We need to be willing to put it on the line. If you think about your greatest achievements they probably were the biggest risks you took. I know that has been true in life.
Please try. Please give it a shot. Please take the risk.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Was that a compliment?

Today I got to speak at our Golden Age Thanksgiving Dinner. It is always fun to talk about Thanksgiving. I enjoy that. I especially liked the opportunity to speak due to the fact that I have not done it for a while.
Now I had a lot of fun with the Golden Age group today. I was just being my normal goofy self. Then when we were all done a lady came up to me and said that I am a mix between Jim Carrey and Billy Graham. Hmm... Is that a compliment? To be mentioned in the same sentence as Billy Graham is always a good thing. And I guess for the most part I find Jim Carrey pretty funny. Therefore I am going to take it as a compliment. Any one else want to weigh in?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Where is the good news?

Sometimes I watch the news. Then when I am watching, I ask myself, "Why?" Why do I subject myself to that? How much news is just bad? How much news is negative?
Now don't get me wrong. I get the fact that there are some things that are just negative, just bad, and just awful. I know that.
But for just once I would like to hear the majority of news be positive. I would like it to focus on the good things that happen in this world.
This is not some sort of pop psychological philosophy of positive thinking will change your life. But do me a favor. Spend a day writing down everything that is falls under Philippians 4:8. Then compare your list to the news. My guess is it will cause you to be even more thankful.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Changing lives

I realize I am getting old. But because of the years gone by, I have a long history that I like to look back on. I am constantly amazed at how God has let me be a part of people's lives. I find it absolutely amazing when people tell me how much I helped them change or something to that effect. I know how flawed and messed up I am. I wonder how God can use me to change lives.

With all of that being said, I am actively contemplating in my head how to be involved in even more changed lives. I don't quite have all the answers. In fact I have very few if any answers. So I am going to serve God with all my heart. Along the way, He will use me to change lives. And 32 years from now, I hope to be wondering the same thing.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It is your job

All through out this election season we heard tons and tons of promises. When I am elected we will ______ (fill in the blank). Now I have to break some bad news to you all. Most of the promises are never going to be fulfilled by a Democrat or a Republican.

The thing is that in this country we the people are the difference. We the people are the ones to make the change. Let me start giving you some examples:
  • I am totally against abortion. I hope that eventually Rowe versus Wade is overturned. But with all of that being said, legislation is not getting to the heart of the matter. You have to deal with people. You have to become involved in their lives. What if you worked hard at installing sonograms at abortion clinics and volunteered to show people the sonogram for free before they had an abortion? Or what about working at an adoption agency that makes it more affordable and easier to access? What about being involved in young kids' lives and teach them the value of life?
  • Poverty. We all want to end poverty. Hate to break it to any of you but increasing the number of people and the amount of the earned income credit will not solve or really even make a dent in the poverty problems. Poverty is not solved by government giving a "ration." Poverty is solved by being involved in people's lives. Find someone who is struggling. Help them get an education. Help them find a good paying job. Help them with basic budgeting practices. Be there for them.

Those are two examples. There are plenty of more. Let us not think that government will solve our problems. Let us not try and "stay out of it" thinking it is the government's job. Let us not see our neighbor struggling and wonder when the government is going to show up. Let us not rely on the government more than we rely on God.

It is our job. It is my job. It is your job.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

God Is Still On His Throne

As I sit here right now the election results are coming in. I don't know who is going to win. Today I talked to a lot of people who were genuinely concerned about election. Worried about what might happen. I hear what they are saying.

But here is the thing. Whatever happens here has not knocked God off His throne. He is still in charge. He is still in control. And He still is the King of kings and Lord of lords.

I know this election could have you all worried, but rest in God. Rest in the fact that He is still in control. When you wake up in the morning, unless Christ returns tonight, God will still be in control. Not a Republican or a Democrat living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Oh by the way, keep in mind I don't know who is going to win at this time. Our job is to pray for the leaders of our country.

God is still on His throne!

Monday, November 3, 2008

VOTE...for crying out loud

Ok first of all if you vote tomorrow you can get:

Now I appreciate these companies for offering free stuff. And I will promise you that I will take advantage of these offers (I am trying to figure out how to do all the above :) ).

But for crying out loud. Is that what it is going to take to get people to vote? I am sorry, there is no excuse for not voting. There are plenty of countries who do not get vote. Voting is a privilege and a responsibility. There is no excuse not to vote. I think the only good excuse that I have ever heard was last year when my wife was in the hospital after giving birth the day before.

If you do not vote, you forfeit every right you have to complain about anything involving the country or politics or the economy. Whenever you hear someone complaining ask them if they voted. If they say no, well tell them to shut up. As far as I am concerned, they don't deserve the right to complain or criticize.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Son the "Fix-it" man

For some reason Isaiah has developed this obsession with tools. He loves playing with them. He also likes to help his dad out when his dead is fixing something. When I grab a screw driver he grabs a screw driver. It is just a lot of fun. I hope that I will have the patience to let him do more and more as he grows up.
I guess this is just part of being a father, a part that I like. On the other hand, it also means that I teach him how to do things right (and safe), and my attitude is where it should be even when I am frustrated at whatever I am working at.
I can't wait to do the 1109235481234 of father and son projects.