On Friday I got to spend two hours with a great man of God. Get this, it was literally right after he got done with a cancer treatment. He is 3 times older then I am, and I learned so much from him.
- Enjoyed spending Friday evening with the family
- Saturday we went to the zoo, that is always a good time. And now that we have a zoo membership, it makes it even more fun (i.e. it is already paid for)
- Just in case you didn't know, it is hot!
- Sunday was a great day!
- But it was hot
- It was hot when I walked outside at 6:30 a.m.
- Church was hot
- Todd brought me peanut butter doughnuts (yum)
- Good attendance even though it was hot
- Just love the openness of Bakerstown Alliance
- I asked everyone if they had issues, everyone raised their hands. You don't know how much that means to me. I love that about Bakerstown Alliance
- We got to use a paper shredder in church. Wow, that was fun!
- Lunch at my parents'...boy did that hit the spot
- Had to mow the grass, it was really hot outside
- Then it was packing, obligatory Walmart run, more packing
- forgot to tell you that I took 3 showers today. Did I mention it was hot?
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