Whoa. Weird title, huh? Let me explain. I woke up this morning, got Isaiah his breakfast, and then looked outside. There on our deck was a big garbage bag that said "Borchert" and it had our address on it. I went outside got the bag, and looked inside the bag. It was filled with presents. Some for Isaiah, some for Samuel, some for "Mommy", and some for "Daddy." Now on the tags they all said from "Santa." I then ran up stairs and tell me wife (yes I am 32 years old) that Santa had come to our house last night. Needless to say she did not believe me. When we opened up all the presents it was amazing. "Santa" knew us. "Santa" got us gifts that we like. So all Christmas morning I have been wondering who is Santa? It is almost driving me crazy. However, just in case Santa reads my blog. Thank you Santa. I really do appreciate the surprise. I know I have said it before but this just further convinces me, that I am the most blessed person in the whole world. I don't know why. I don't know how. I know I have done nothing to deserve anything.
So whoever your are Santa, thanks.
Cool. Wish Santa had brought us stuff. All we got was the stomach flu. I have a bone to pick with Santa if I see him anytime soon....
Cool. Wish Santa had brought us stuff. All we got was the stomach flu. I have a bone to pick with Santa if I see him anytime soon....
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