Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I had a hard time concentrating today

Some days I just can't think that well. I think today was one of those days. I don't know why, but for some reason I just couldn't think that well. Those days are frustrating for me. What it means is that tomorrow I have to focus twice as hard. It will be one of those days that at the end of the day my eyes will be sore because I will forget to blink. Maybe some people are good and can focus everyday the same amount. Me? I do kind of like the pressure, but I also like getting things done early. It is just one of those strange things about a strange person. Can any of you relate?

1 comment:

Fran said...

Had the same kind of day today. People are talking but I have no idea what they are saying and I have no response. It's the day you just want to go back to bed... I can relate very well!