Saturday, April 12, 2008

How I Tell My Wife "I love You"

Before I begin let me make a little disclaimer. I am not perfect. I am not the greatest husband in the world. I have many flaws that I am aware of and many more that I am not even aware of.
This morning Isaiah decided that 6:45 was a good time to wake up. If you know any thing about Heather, she is not a morning person. Saturdays I usually get to sleep in, so I like to take advantage of that. Well with Isaiah up, I knew I could stay in bed and have him jumping all around the bed, annoying both me and Heather, or I could just get up. I chose to get up. I went downstairs with Isaiah ate breakfast, played a little. This allowed Heather to stay in bed until about 8:30. You would have thought that I got Heather some fancy bling bling. She was so happy.
I also finally (see I told you I am not perfect) fixed the problem with our water pump switch. I pretended to know something about plumbing. It actually worked. The project did take me all day though. But hopefully this will solve some of the issues with our water. Again, Heather is happy.
Hopefully I didn't destroy your fantasy about what love is. :)

1 comment:

HB said...

Thanks honey. You're the best. =)