Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Women's Purse -- aka how to end up in the doghouse

Now I am not sure where the purse originated from. I am not sure why women outgrew pockets. In no way do I understand why a lot of women's clothing does not have pockets. I mean I don't think I have ever owned a pair of pants without pockets.

Due to the lack of adequate pockets, I can only assume that is where the purse began. Now that we are in the 21st century, I believe purses have reached a pandemic level. Now I want to make sure that I offend all women out there. You think I am just talking about the type of purse where you could fit a two year old child. While those are totally uncalled for, I am also talking about the tiny little purses. The only difference between the two is the little ones are stuffed to the max that when you open it, it could be considered an explosive; while the big ones end up being like a game where you reach in and pull out a prize.

Now honestly, do you need all those things in your purse? I remember watching "Let's Make A Deal" game show and the host would ask people if they had something and give them $100 or something. Now that would be the one time a overly stuffed purse would be acceptable. But as far as I know that show has long since been canceled.

Getting back to those tiny little purses; I ask "why?" Why bother. What is the point. You end up making the guy carry half the stuff that would normally go in the purse just so you can get away with a little purse. So why even go through that work.

Now another thing that I can't figure out (and another thing to make my trip to the doghouse permanent) is the number of purses required. I just don't get it. You know evening purses, day purses, summer purses, winter purses, black, red, green, brown, stripes, plaid, etc... Come on, seriously? You need all of those purses?

Now a purse is supposed to be about the Old Testament equivalent of the Holy of Holies. Guys know that we are just not welcomed there. And frankly most guys if they have ever dared (or should I say forced) to go into a women purse do not want to go back in. They are scared. They are damaged for life. Probably any guy who ever has dared enter a women's purse is in serious need of counseling.

I think I had better stop here. A night or two in the doghouse is bearable. Permanent residency is not.


Blake said...

I would blame the French for the purse idea. It just seems like something they'd do.

WeddObsessed said...

haha. Dan, this was genuinely funny! Purses are something you may never understand, but what would you prefer? No purse at all? That would make most females really cranky. You would not like your life if purses didn't exist. We'll leave it at that!

Shari said...

I can honestly say that 99% of the things in my purse are not even for me, they're for Connor or Isaak.
And besides, if we didn't have purses, you guys would have to carry most of what we put in there. You wouldn't want that, now would you? :)