Thursday, October 23, 2008

You Just Talk to God

This evening I was giving Isaiah a bath. He was telling me about his friends at school, and said they were his "best friends." Of course I said "I thought I was your best friend." He responded with his famous line "you are my family best friend." So I asked Isaiah what does a family best friend do? He told me "you just talk to God." I followed up with "Is that all I do at the Lighthouse?" Isaiah said "Yeah."
Now the first thought that went through my head was "wow, that would be nice." Just to spend the whole day talking to God. Then I thought about it a little longer. Maybe we all should spend all day talking to God. Now I know there are things we have to do, people we need to talk to. But at the same point that does not mean we tell God to take a hike. He is still there.
No, we can't spend all day everyday talking with only God but, we must realize that God is there and we can talk to Him.

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