Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How much Is $18?

Today I had to get the propane tank filled. I had been putting it off for some unknown reason. But wanted to cook some kielbasa on the grill, so I got the tank filled. Now the total cost to get a tank filled is $20.32. No problem right? So I scanned my card, entered my pin, everything worked great. I was walking out and I actually glanced at my receipt. Turns out I only paid $2.32. Somehow the "0" did not get punched in. At this point I had a choice. And let me be honest with all of you, I did debate it with myself. The choice between celebrating, or telling someone. Ouch. $18. I could use $18. I am sure all of you out there could use $18. But however, I thought about the cashier who could get in trouble. I thought about all the times I have talked about honesty. I knew what I had to do. Now I did not like spending the $18, but I feel good about it.
Listen, I am not trying to make myself out to be this great super hero or anything like that. I know times are tough. I know the economics in the country have all of us worried. But choose to follow God, choose to trust God, and it will work out.


Shari said...

Isaak did the same thing at Home Depot the other day. They had undercharged him $4.45. He drove all the way back down there to tell them and have them fix it.

Anonymous said...

At work yesterday I went to the front office to get change. The fellow in the office gave me WAY too much change back. I always count it before I walk away from the window. I counted it twice to be sure and handed the extra back. He said thanks for being honest...I smiled and said, "I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if I didn't return it." I, too, have returned to stores (sometimes months later) to pay for items for which I still owed money. =-) I have gotten weird looks and thanks yous. Worth it to me!!!