Monday, October 20, 2008

Relying on others

Last week my computer caught a cold. I guess I should say I got a virus on my computer. How sad. Now as soon as it happened I started to think, "How am I going to fix this?" I knew it would be tough, so I started thinking, "How much coffee do I have? Is it going to be an all-nighter?" Then I wondered if I could I even do this. So at that point I decided to give it to my brother, Phil. My brother has always been there when ever I needed him. So I take it to him, tell him what is wrong and he says "no problem."
As a man who likes to think he can do everything himself, I don't like to get help. But God has put people in our lives to help us out. Phil helped me out big time.
I got my computer back today, and it is working great. Thanks Phil.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Phil is a genius. During this election season, I would like to declare: Phil for I.T. President!