Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tough Week

This has been a hard week for me. I have had to do something that I did not know was possible. I have been surviving without my laptop since Sunday. Ahhh.... It is so weird not having it with me like 24/7. I get up in the morning and I don't grab my book bag to take with me. It's just been odd. I wonder sometimes how I used to go through life without a laptop.
Now there were some things that were just not running right, so I got my brother to clean it all up. I decided to go back to windows XP. Vista is just not worth the headache. I will wait for the next one after vista to upgrade.

It makes me feel really fortunate to have my brother. If I were to do it myself, it would take me like all week constantly working on it. And there is more than a possibility of me royally messing things up. But my brother, I know will do it, do it right, and for the right price for his favorite brother (yes I am his only brother)

I love my family. They have been so supportive of me. I am not sure where I would be without them. I believe firmly that the love and support that I get from my family is what God had in mind when he created the whole concept of family.

And yes this is why I have not blogged that much this week.

1 comment:

HB said...

Yeah. This week has been hard on me too. I'm not good at laptop. =)