Just a couple of quick thoughts from my weekend:
I mowed my grass -- now I know you are thinking, whoopee, who cares. For some reason my yard and my tractor always make for an interesting adventure. But this time, I mowed the whole thing in less than two hours! That is like a record for me. All that with no break downs or anything.
- I got to go to wedding of a good friend of mine. I am happy for him and his new wife. They are off to Hawaii. A bit envious? I would like to go to Hawaii right about now :)
- Got back from the wedding and had to run to Walmart. I made it there at 10:55. They close at 11:00. I sort of felt like I was on a shopping spree. I ran and got everything I needed before 11! Go me!
- Because of the wedding our boys slept over at Heather's mom's house, so there were no kids in my house. That was a little weird.
- Unfortunately Saturday ended late and Sunday morning comes really early.
- Sunday was a fun. It is not everyday that you get to say the word "prostitute" several times in a sermon. (It was about Rahab)
- Sunday afternoon we go to my parents house. Basically it is like a family reunion every week. However, there are a bunch of dieting people in this family. Therefore, the desserts have been getting pretty pathetic. I am not sure how to fix that :)
- Kyle Bush has 3 wins in the Nationwide Series in a row -- impressive
- For what it is worth I feel my brain starting to work again. It goes through these thinking faces. I think I am about to have one :)
That is enough for now
1 comment:
maybe we should have a "supermarket sweep" night at the gibsonia walmart!!! did you ever watch that show? it was great!
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