I have known Aaron for a long time. I met Aaron at Edinboro Camp many moons ago. Then we were both at Toccoa Falls together. I really got to know Aaron at Toccoa. I was his first band's first groupie/roadie/manager/sound tech/ticket taker. Didn't pay too well. :) But the thing I realized is his dream is to do what he is doing know. It took him a bunch of years. It is not like someone handed him a free ride. He earned it. He is a man of God, and I couldn't be more happy for him. He had a dream and went after it. And he is accomplishing it. What dream has God given you? Are you chasing it?
So cool that you know him! when is his tour coming to Godstock?
I think it is so cool that you know him so well. I always brag on the fact that I met him while he was touring with the group from Toccoa Falls at Delta one summer. And actually one of the older girls from our church dated him for a while :) Anyway.. it is neat you have such a connection with him. He is a wonderful singer and did work hard to get where he is!!!
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