Sunday, September 16, 2007

I'm loving it right now

I have to admit, I like fall. Latley it feels like fall. As I write this I am sitting in a long-sleeved shirt, under a blanket. The air feels crisp. I actually didn't sweat too much today. That is nice. And now in a couple of minutes or so I am off to Brusters Ice Cream to get a hot apple dumpling. Yumm! Oh, I cannot forget - the Steelers won (didn't like those jerseys though). But man I like the fall, like the weather, like the football, like the food! Hope you enjoy it too!


Blake said...

really? I thought the jerseys were awesome! A little collegiate looking, but still pretty sweet.

Enjoy Brusters

HB said...

The yellow numbers were weird. The white pants were too... white. Is this just for one game or the whole season??

Anonymous said...

i love the new uniforms and it actually is inspiring me to be a better fan!

HB said...

Wouldn't it be fun to set up a lion pit like the one church on Mark's blog?? =)