So many times I will hear the phrase "I am just not being fed." What that phrase is implying is that the person is not growing spiritually because no one is feeding them. I really do not think that is true.
Now I will give you maybe 1 out of every 100 churches might fall under that category. That is being generous, it might be even less, something like 1 in every 1000.
I think it comes down to this: Are you hungry? Are you coming hungry? Are you wanting to be fed? Are you wanting to grow?
Sometimes we have a hard time getting Isaiah to eat (he is a 2 year old after all). However, when that boy is hungry, he can eat more then his fair share. He eats Heather's fair share too :)
That is the point that I am getting at: if you come hungry, if you come with the desire to learn and grow, it will happen. Sure sometimes you will have to work at listening, sure some speakers are harder to listen to. But that does not mean there is not a chance of you being fed. You have to come hungry. As we are getting close to the weekend, let me encourage everyone out there, when you go to worship this weekend, come hungry!
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