Heather had just left for a hair appointment. That left the three boys home alone to play. To tell you the truth I was looking forward to the time with my boys. About five minutes into our play time, we heard a noise. We looked over and there, running as fast as it could, was a squirrel inside our house! The poor frightened creature was trying to go out the window which was closed. My boys started getting scared. I wanted to join them but knew I had to protect them. So I quickly shoved the kids in the TV room and closed the door. I ran and got my shoes on and grabbed a broom. I left the kitchen door open to try and convince the squirrel to go out. I then looked at our front door (which we never use) and decided to open it too. At this point I noticed the squirrel in the corner and I tried to encourage the little guy to get out of my house. He wasn't too smart. He crawled under our foot rest. I then stuck the broom under the foot rest and got him out of the foot rest. Next thing you know he goes under the couch. Now our couch believe or not is heavy. I needed help. So I called my dad and asked where he was. Fortunately he was at his house. I say come over now, I need to evict a squirrel. He shows up in two minutes. We then devised a plan. We picked up the couch and the squirrel went back in the corner. I shoved the broom at him and he ran out the door. We quickly closed the door. Squirrel is gone! Unfortunately, then I had to clean up the mess from the squirrel and put everything back. So I guess if you ever find a squirrel in your house and you need an experienced squirrel remover, just give me a call.
We had a squirrel in our house once when I was just a kid. I was sitting at the table eating breakfast, looked down, and there was a squirrel, watching me. I was thrilled. I loved animals. My mother, however, was not. As soon as she saw it, she started screaming, which freaked it out. It ran all through the house before finally jumping in the toilet. My mom, not know what else to do, put the lid down and sat there, with a squirrel in the toilet. I'm not too sure what ever happened to that poor squirrel.....
See, THIS IS WHY I don't leave you three home alone EVER. And to think I was relaxing at the salon the whole time... Anyway, you did a great job cleaning up, etc. Thanks honey for defending the homestead. =)
Oops. That above comment was clearly me...
Ummmm are we sure the squirrel isn't coming back on Tuesday?? I'm a little frightened.....
hahahahah LOVE this story!
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