Friday, November 30, 2007

The New Layout

Do you like my new template?
I guess I really should explain a couple of things.

For a couple of months I had the all black background, with that funny looking guy running. I choose that one for a reason. In fact, when I chose that template, I thought it would be only a matter of days before I would announce to all of you out there in the blogsphere that I was going to start training for a marathon. I have always wanted to run a marathon. I vividly remember in 6th grade thinking that it would be a lot of fun to run a marathon. I know I am not getting any younger, so I really wanted to do it.
But unfortunately the timing is not right. Our church is keeping me busy. That is a small factor. The main factor is/was Samuel. I knew the first couple of months are really tough adjusting. So I wanted to make sure that I was not totally killing myself trying to train and then not have any energy for my family.
For now, the dream of a marathon is on hold. It is not dead! Repeat, it is not dead! I am dreaming about it right now as I type. For what it is worth one time in college I ran 18 miles just for the fun of it. I really was not that tired either.
So I am still holding on to that dream.

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