Now please bear with me. I will probably be all over the place.
I'm really enjoying our "Get Out of the Boat" Sunday morning growth group. Good discussions, good growth.
My throat is tired after Sundays. This is nothing new for me. It is this way just about every week. Sore might be one word, but it is a little different than a sore throat.
I liked the amount of people there today. I don't remember the number, but it felt full.
The extra hour of sleep was nice for me, and people seemed more awake then normal.
Had good muffins to eat this morning .
My wireless mic cut out on me in the middle of the message. I don't like when that happens. I have a love hate relationship with that mic. There are days I love and days I hate it. Today is a day I hate it. (proud of myself for grabbing the other mic and not trying to do without a mic (see tired throat above))
I made some grammatical errors on the listening guide. I hate doing that, but it happens unfortunately.
Patty and June shared about seizing opportunities and chasing lions...that was good stuff. That was so encouraging. By the way if you want to listen to it, go to
bakerstownalliance.org. You will find a player towards the bottom of the page. Just click on it, and towards the end you will hear Patty and June.
Tough call: do I watch the
Nascar race or Patriots vs. Colts?
Sundays are a blur. I don't remember everything that happened. I feel so drained every week. I put so much into it. Man, does that feel good! I know that sounds weird but, just to invest yourself totally into anything. I think we are missing that in our current culture.
Monday is coming. Now normally on Mondays I spend the day doing little projects and cleaning up things and basically just relaxing. This monday...well...just check out this post from my wife
http://innermostthoughtsofaveryprivateperson.blogspot.com/2007/10/baby.html. So it is possible it will be a different kind of day.
This fall stuff, I love it. It is has been really comfortable.
I have been loving hanging out with Isaiah. He is becoming more and more fun. I know I have said that before but it continues to be more fun.
This whole chase the lion study, we're six weeks into it. Wow. It is what our church needed. It has been really good. If you haven't done it yet, check out