Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Getting there

I have been devoting large quantities of time to a project lately. This week has been one of those weeks where you get good news followed by bad news. Good news, then bad news. I wish everything would just fall in place. I wish that it would just be a simple process. But I will not quit. I will not give up. I will not stop until I am certain that all door is not just shut, but gone. I think that there are unfortunately a lot of people who give up at the first moment of difficulty. Man, everything in my life that I am proud of, took a lot of work and lot of obstacles to go over. I am sure I am not the only one who would say that. With that being said, I am writing all of this for you. I am writing all of this to encourage you to keep going. Not to give up. Not to quit. But to see whatever it is that you are going through to the finish. Keep going. You will get there.

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