I was on a nice run the other day with a couple of friends. These are the type of guys that think a lot like I do. So it is really fun to hang out with them. Plus they love running as much if not more as I do. Anyways, as we are running along, one of them was quoting the other one:
"Try as hard as you can to help the person. When they don't listen, try harder"
Love it. For some reason in my messed up mind that makes so much sense to me. I really do not like the attitude "well I tried, thier fault." I know that is true. I know you tried. But thankfully God does not give us that attitude. God does not quit on us. When you think about the number of times God has tried to help you, but you failed to listen. But what did God do? He kept trying.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Seeing my son achieve something great
This past weekend, when we were in Ohio, we were at a house with a pond. In the pond was a bunch of fish. Now there were a couple of people fishing. Isaiah decided that it looks like fun. So somehow he asked the one guy if he could try. Fortunately the guy was real patient and taught Isaiah how to cast his line. I was watching Isaiah cast his line. Every time he did, I thought for sure that someone was going to get a hook in themselves. I was about 50 yards away and I looked over at Isaiah and his line was really tight. I am thinking to myself, "could he have caught a fish?" So I go running down to the water and sure enough he did! Wow!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Getting there
I have been devoting large quantities of time to a project lately. This week has been one of those weeks where you get good news followed by bad news. Good news, then bad news. I wish everything would just fall in place. I wish that it would just be a simple process. But I will not quit. I will not give up. I will not stop until I am certain that all door is not just shut, but gone. I think that there are unfortunately a lot of people who give up at the first moment of difficulty. Man, everything in my life that I am proud of, took a lot of work and lot of obstacles to go over. I am sure I am not the only one who would say that. With that being said, I am writing all of this for you. I am writing all of this to encourage you to keep going. Not to give up. Not to quit. But to see whatever it is that you are going through to the finish. Keep going. You will get there.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
People are praying for us
Today I was at a church picking up a van seat for a van they recently donated to us. Well I was there I had to go the bathroom. I passed a room labeled "prayer room." Now that always catches my attention. So I go in this room and there is a white board with a bunch of prayer request on it. I looked at it real quick and saw "The Lighthouse" on the board. Wow! I was touched. My friends at Hampton Presbyterian are praying for us!
Now I know there are people and churches praying for us. I really feel like the most bless person in the world sometimes. But seeing it in writing; it just makes me thankful. What an incredible feeling to know that people are praying for us!
Now I know there are people and churches praying for us. I really feel like the most bless person in the world sometimes. But seeing it in writing; it just makes me thankful. What an incredible feeling to know that people are praying for us!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Mud Sliding
No, I do not have any pictures of me mud sliding. Sorry to ruin your opportunity to laugh at me. On Friday it was raining pretty hard at Edinboro. For some reason when this happens the water just sits on top of the grass. When this happens there is only one thing to do. That is to go mud sliding. It was fun. I have not got to do that in about 10 years or so. So while I was doing thing, I was remembering back to "when I was a kid." It was so much fun. Three days later, I am still a little sore. But man it was fun!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Edinboro 2010
Yesterday I got home from Edinboro Camp. I love that place. This year I had the privilege to direct the 12 and 13 year olds. I know this is going to sound like a typical parent, but I could see these kids grow up in the span of one week. For me, I just do not get sick of seeing 50 kids getting to know God for the first time or getting to know God better. It is just so much fun to be able to spend a week with some great kids. Yes it was hot! Very hot! But this is the great thing, these kids didn't care. They kept on playing and running around. The only thing we had to do is to make sure they had enough water, not a big deal at all. Just so much fun! Honestly, I do think that everyone should give up a week and serve at Edinboro, or any other camp. Yes I am physically tired, but I am recharged and ready to go!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Edinboro Time
Once again I get to make my annual pilgrimage to Edinboro Camp. I really wish I could be there for more then just this one week. But, it is just not possible. Edinboro Camp has had a huge impact on my life for years. I know for the past 50 some years there has been people who have gone there to get closer to Christ. I know for the past 50 years that has happened. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to serve there yet again. I look forward to seeing God working in these 12 and 13 years old kids. It will be amazing. Hopefully I am smart enough to get to bed at night. Sleep is essential. So I probably wont blog that much next week. But please be praying for me. Thank You!
Error on grace
There is great tension between law and grace. Now I believe rules are good. I believe they keep us straight. But if we are going to have to make a choice, choose grace. Choose to error on the side of grace. I think about what Christ did for us. He certainly choose grace. We did not do anything to deserve it. Therefore, we should choose grace. It is just so much more enjoyable. And it always reminds me of what Christ did for me. I like that little reminder!
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