Monday, February 15, 2010

Oops, not quite the way I wanted that to happen

My parents have been away on vacation since last Tuesday. Being the oh so responsible son, I remembered today that I am suppose be making sure the house is ok and stuff. Well I drive by the house at least twice a day. I have known for the past week that I need to shovel. But to be totally honest, I am sick of shoveling! But since they are coming home tomorrow, I thought I better start shoveling. I shoveled out a pretty big area. My next trick was to move my mom's car. That is where things went wrong. I was trying to get it out of the driveway when all the sudden it was no longer quiet. I must have bumped something on the exhaust because wow, was it ever loud. About 30 seconds later I get it out in the road, only to realize there was another car coming. At this point I start heading back into the driveway. The first car stopped with no problem. The second car, again not problem. The third car, well that is a different story. Oops. I guess I caused that accident.

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