Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Believing in people

There is something that I want to make sure that I do with my boys. That is believe in them. Believe that they can do it. Believe that if they put the effort in it they can accomplish the task. Believe that they are capable.

I want my kids to know that they can give it a shot. I want them to know that I believe they can do it. I want my kids not to be thinking about "what if I don't" but rather thinking about "what I have to do to do this"

Success is trying. Success is attempting to do something. Success is giving it your all.

When I started to train for my marathon, I admit I had many moments of "I will never be able to do this." Guess what my wife told me? She told me that she believed in me. She told me that I could do it. And you know what? I am happy to say, she was right!

There are far too many people in this world that tell you what you can't do. Tell you why you will never be able to do something. Tell you that it will never work out. Why be like that? What good does that do? How does that help someone? What if rather then telling people what they can't do, you switched to "go for it!"

I dream of the day after a cross country meet (okay, it doesn't have to be cross country) me an my son, Isaiah or Sam, are sitting there eating an apple, and had finished 2nd, and he says to me "you know what, I need to work harder on my hills, I lost a lot of time on the hills, I was faster on the hills, I could make up that time I lost." At that point I would have a choice. I could say "well son, maybe your just not fast enough" or I could say "Go for it, do it with all your heart!"

Now you are sitting there and saying what would happen if he never beat the other person and never finished better then 2nd? My answer: Who cares! He gave his best! Did he fail? No!

Be a you can person! Believe in people!

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