Thursday, July 30, 2009
The makings of a legendary day
I woke up and it was raining. Did the normal get ready routines. Walked outside in the rain and that is when it hit me. I left my windows down. Gulp! This is not good. I start slowly walking toward the car thinking "this is not going to be good." I open the door, start feeling around, and guess what? It was dry! It was dry! I was so amazed. At this point, nothing could stand in my way. So to celebrated I went to Starbucks and got some coffee! Legendary!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What I want to be like when I grow up
Today I had an amazing opportunity. I got to talk to a Godly man. This gentlemen was in his early 70's. A very successful business man. But as we were talking, which was easy, you could just see how much fear and love he had for God. The guy was legit. He was totally transparent and totally devoted to Christ. He cared about me and my family. He is not into charts and graphs. He is into people. He cared more about people then he did about vision statement. He is one of those people who you know has their priorities straight.
Well I am not wanting to grow up or anything crazy like that, I want to be like that when I am older. I want someone blogging in 40 years the same things that I am blogging tonight (assuming that blogging will still be there in 40 years, which is a bad assumption). But you don't get there by wishing you get there by doing. Long battle a head of me!
Well I am not wanting to grow up or anything crazy like that, I want to be like that when I am older. I want someone blogging in 40 years the same things that I am blogging tonight (assuming that blogging will still be there in 40 years, which is a bad assumption). But you don't get there by wishing you get there by doing. Long battle a head of me!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
What a great day
Today was one of those days that I dream of. First I got to preach. Always a good way to start that day. I had a fun time at Old Union Pres. Then I went to my parents for lunch. Yum, and double yum. When we were getting read to leave Isaiah asks if he could stay at my parents. Everyone agreed and home we went. Soon as we got home we put Sam to bed. Then it was off to the couch and watching Nascar. Sam slept for like 3 1/2 hours. We finally woke him up at like 5:30. So we ate supper, went to Home Depot. While at Home Depot Isaiah called me and asked if he could spend the night. Wow! Sam went to bed at 8:00 and now it is just more chill time!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Making new friends
I have always thought that you should only do business with friends. Honestly, for the most part that is true in my life. Now because of the philosophy I find it very important to be friends with everyone I know.
When I walk into my local Starbucks, they get me my drink without me having to say what I want. I like that. Now don't get me wrong, I know they are trained to do that. But hey, it makes me feel like they are my friends.
A couple of weeks ago, I drove by a local pizza shop. On there sign it said that they were now open at 7 am serving coffee and breakfast sandwiches. Sounds good to me. So one morning I stopped, turns out the guy slept in and didn't have the coffee ready. So I stopped by another day. The guy apologized for the other day. Hey no problem. The coffee was great and the sandwich was big and good. So I went back another time. This time I just wanted a pastry and coffee. I got my stuff, went to my car, went to take a bite, ohh no! The pastry was molded. So I went back in, explain the problem, got another one, it was good!
Today I went back yet again, this time there was a cooler for the pastries. The guy explained to me how he cut the counter and mounted the cooler. Thus keeping the pastries fresher for longer. He also gave me a free pastry today! (Free food might just be my love language)
So yes I will continue to stop there. The guy is trying. Hope they do well.
When I walk into my local Starbucks, they get me my drink without me having to say what I want. I like that. Now don't get me wrong, I know they are trained to do that. But hey, it makes me feel like they are my friends.
A couple of weeks ago, I drove by a local pizza shop. On there sign it said that they were now open at 7 am serving coffee and breakfast sandwiches. Sounds good to me. So one morning I stopped, turns out the guy slept in and didn't have the coffee ready. So I stopped by another day. The guy apologized for the other day. Hey no problem. The coffee was great and the sandwich was big and good. So I went back another time. This time I just wanted a pastry and coffee. I got my stuff, went to my car, went to take a bite, ohh no! The pastry was molded. So I went back in, explain the problem, got another one, it was good!
Today I went back yet again, this time there was a cooler for the pastries. The guy explained to me how he cut the counter and mounted the cooler. Thus keeping the pastries fresher for longer. He also gave me a free pastry today! (Free food might just be my love language)
So yes I will continue to stop there. The guy is trying. Hope they do well.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Why I run
I have not been feeling good lately. I think I blog enough about that. Because I haven't felt that great, I have not ran that much. Today, I think I am turning a corner. I think I am getting much better. so I was able to run today. Wow! Did that feel good. Now what might be interesting to you is this: It did not feel good physically. I am a little sore 5 hours later. But it did feel wonderful clearing my head. And that is why I run!
Exercise just helps you clear you head. I don't care if you like running, or if you are a basketball person, boxer, whatever. Just do something! Get your head cleared!
Exercise just helps you clear you head. I don't care if you like running, or if you are a basketball person, boxer, whatever. Just do something! Get your head cleared!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Motivated by Passion
There is something that I have grown to love in my life. That is people who fight for an area that they are passionate about. I love that. I love how they refuse to accept a "no". They will do what ever it takes to make it happen. I think we miss that way too much in this country. I love to see people willing to fight for what they believe in.
I got to see this during the picnic at the Lighthouse. I'll be honest, I did not do much to organize this. In fact I think the biggest thing I did was borrowed some chairs and brought them to the Lighthouse. But in order to pull off an event like this there needed to be a lot of people doing a lot of work. There was that. The thing I loved about it was the main guy who organized it all was operating in his passion. He wants to see people come to Christ. Therefore, he made sure that Christ was at the center of everything. I saw at least 10 people raise their hands to receive Jesus as their Savior! Love to see people coming to Christ. Love to see people serving God with all their passion!
Whatever you God given passion is, use it! Go all out! Go big, or go home! Trust me, someone serving God in their area of passion is a beautiful thing!
I got to see this during the picnic at the Lighthouse. I'll be honest, I did not do much to organize this. In fact I think the biggest thing I did was borrowed some chairs and brought them to the Lighthouse. But in order to pull off an event like this there needed to be a lot of people doing a lot of work. There was that. The thing I loved about it was the main guy who organized it all was operating in his passion. He wants to see people come to Christ. Therefore, he made sure that Christ was at the center of everything. I saw at least 10 people raise their hands to receive Jesus as their Savior! Love to see people coming to Christ. Love to see people serving God with all their passion!
Whatever you God given passion is, use it! Go all out! Go big, or go home! Trust me, someone serving God in their area of passion is a beautiful thing!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Was it worth it? Yes it was!
A couple of weeks ago I was sick. I blogged about it. Man it was no fun. Then I got better for about 2 days. After that I have been sick again. And well, I have no choice but to continue on. Now here is the thing, I know what made me sick. I am thinking it was Edinboro. Hanging out in the rain all that time did it to me. With that being said, don't feel bad for me. I do not regret that one bit. It was worth it.
Go ahead make your self sick. Go ahead go all out. Go ahead and do something today that you know you will feel tomorrow. If it is because you are serving God, it will be worth it!
Go ahead make your self sick. Go ahead go all out. Go ahead and do something today that you know you will feel tomorrow. If it is because you are serving God, it will be worth it!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
My Fun Weekend
Somehow this weekend just is working out great. I am getting to do a lot of things that are fun. Let me tell you about them:
- On Friday, I left work early to go to Ohio with my wife. Yes we left the kids with my parents! We made it to our destination at 3:00 p.m. Went swimming. Walk around. Took a nap. Went to a dinner theater. Went swimming again. Went to bed. Got up when we felt like it. Ate a big breakfast. Finally went home. What a great time with Heather! It was nice to get away for like 24 hours
- Today we had a picnic at the Lighthouse. That was fun. There was tons of food and it was good. I had the opportunity to do something I like to do. I got to tell people about salvation that is found only in Christ. Love doing that!
- Tomorrow I get to preach at Bakerstown Alliance. Yeah, that is always fun. I like preaching anywhere, don't get me wrong. But there is just something special about Bakerstown Alliance for me.
Great weekend!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Proof I am a nice guy
The other day my dad stopped by at his house and my kids were there. He then told Isaiah that he has to go to work. Why?, Isaiah said. Because I have a mean boss was my dads answers. Oh I am sorry, said Isaiah. Where do you work? The Lighthouse. Well who is your boss? Daddy? What? Daddy can't be your boss, he is nice!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
When not to blog
I have found out something about myself. I should not and do not blog after certain events. Events such as a board meeting. Now both at Bakerstown Alliance and now at the Lighthouse I had/have a real good board. I board that cares about the success of the organization. A board that supports me and my family. And both boards were not afraid to tell me when I made a mistake. With that being said, afterwards I am usually wound up. Therefore, I do not blog then. I just worry about what might come out of my fingers. But other then that, I will be honest, most of the time it is just off the top my head.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
What is the goal of discipline?
I ask that question because I do not think we stop and answer that question. We just see someone who does something wrong and we have to discipline them. We have to punish them. We want to make sure that they pay for what they did.
Well the point of discipline is not to punish, the point of discipline should be restoration. Now in no way am I suggesting there are not consequences for our actions. There are and there should be.
However, what are the steps to that are to be taken for restoration?
Now, I also think that every situation is unique and you can not just say if you do this then the restoration process is this. Every situation is unique and different. Every person is unique and different.
Now, honestly I think the Western PA District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance does a really good job at the restoration process. Being an official worker, I receive a letter in the mail occasionally that is marked "confidential." I don't like opening those letters. Most of the time they are about colleagues who have experienced a moral failure. That hurts. Now when this happens, the discipline committee sets up a plan for restoration. Upon completion of the plan, we get another "confidential" letter. This time however it tells us that they have been restored! I love those letters.
Now the question then becomes what do you do with the person who is restored?
So many people are cynical these days. They always want to say, "I wonder when he will screw up again?" That is just wrong on so many levels.
I ask that question because I do not think we stop and answer that question. We just see someone who does something wrong and we have to discipline them. We have to punish them. We want to make sure that they pay for what they did.
Well the point of discipline is not to punish, the point of discipline should be restoration. Now in no way am I suggesting there are not consequences for our actions. There are and there should be.
However, what are the steps to that are to be taken for restoration?
Now, I also think that every situation is unique and you can not just say if you do this then the restoration process is this. Every situation is unique and different. Every person is unique and different.
Now, honestly I think the Western PA District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance does a really good job at the restoration process. Being an official worker, I receive a letter in the mail occasionally that is marked "confidential." I don't like opening those letters. Most of the time they are about colleagues who have experienced a moral failure. That hurts. Now when this happens, the discipline committee sets up a plan for restoration. Upon completion of the plan, we get another "confidential" letter. This time however it tells us that they have been restored! I love those letters.
Now the question then becomes what do you do with the person who is restored?
So many people are cynical these days. They always want to say, "I wonder when he will screw up again?" That is just wrong on so many levels.
- First of all, it is not respecting those who are in authority. If they came up with the restoration plan, it was followed, the person was restored, to reject the restoration is to reject those who were in authority.
- Second if you can't accept the restoration, then can you be forgiven? (read Matthew 6:14-15)
- Third are you supporting your brother like you would hope he would do if and when roles were reversed? (yes you too are capable of messing up)
The goal of discipline is restoration. When one completes the restoration you celebrate! You throw a party. You pray for that person! Yes, pray for them. It is amazing what happens to your feelings about someone when you start praying for them on a consistent basis.
So when you are in that situation of having to discipline or be disciplined, make sure there is a plan of restoration. Get it in writing if you have to. Remember the goal is not punishment. The goal is restoration.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Today I remembered just how good DayQuil is. All day long I had a fever, aches, and was just annoyed. When I got home today after enduring a 6 hour training, I took some DayQuil. Within an hour, I felt so much better. Wow, it was amazing. However, sometimes it does give me the disconnected medicine head. But honestly, I like that feeling. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
That is the way I feel right now. Blah! I am not feeling good. My back is sore. My nose is running. My fever is up. Just feel miserable! That stinks. I am in bed and it is 8:00. That is like super early. Now don't ask why I am blogging and not sleeping. I guess I just think it is to early to go to bed. I doubt I will make it to 9. The worse part is that I had a really good insightful deep blog in my head all day long. Hopefully I won't forget it before I have a chance to write it. Good night!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Edinboro 24 Hours Later
I made it back. I survived the week. I should say more then survive, I had a blast. Let me try to give you a couple of highlights
- It Rained. Followed by rain, which was closely followed by more rain, and then after that more rain, it has just about stopped when it really started raining. Seriously, tons of rain.
- With that being said you should have seen those kids trudging through all that rain and not caring. Not letting the rain ruin anything. They just kept playing! Love that spirit!
- I did the 12 and 13 years old this week. The last several years I have been with the 14-15 years old. So it was a little adjustment. I am not saying it was bad. I am not saying it was good. It was different
- However, I am saying that I don't want to do any younger then that
- I had a great staff this week. Seriously maybe my favorite ever
- Our speaker (and my good friend) had a tough week. His dad has cancer and in his final stages. Please pray for the family
- My family was with me most of the week. That was nice. I love being with them
- I ate too much. Food taste better when you don't have to cook it or clean it up
- Celebrated our 8 year anniversary at Edinboro. Nice having 56 Jr. High kids wishing you a happy anniversary.
- I had the opportunity to speak on Thursday and Friday. That was sure fun. Wish I had more time to prepare
- I am tired. In fact I have stopped a couple of times writing this and caught myself falling asleep
- I loved seeing 56 Jr Highs willing to go wherever God leads them. Very impressive!
- Edinboro continues to be a place to go to deepen your relationship with Christ and meet some life long friends. I love that place!
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