Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Shovel shovel and more shoveling

Yes that is all I have done in the past couple of days. I shoveled for about 8 hours on Saturday and probably 4 more on Sunday. Monday was another 4 or 5 hours of shoveling. Yes my back is sore. And yes it is snowing right now, which means more shoveling soon. Argh. So how is this the beginning of something legendary? Well one of two ways. Maybe all this training will help me capture the world cup of professional snow shoveling. Or I will teach my 4 year old son to shovel snow. So in case you wonder what I have been up to, it is shoveling!

1 comment:

Shari said...

I keep telling myself that "this is the most exercise I've had in years" as I shovel yet another load of snow.....