Wednesday, October 21, 2009


First of all let me apologize for not blogging that much lately. Honestly, have not had the time. I have had a lot of different things on my mind. But by the time I had an opportunity to blog, I was just too tired.
What I have been noticing lately is a lot of fear. Now I am not talking about fear of jumping out of a plane. That is good fear. (However, you could talk me in to it without much effort) But I am talking about fear to try something different. Fear to take a risk.
The more I talk to people, the more I realize there are a lot of people living in fear. I wish I could change that. I wish people would just go ahead and take the risk. But I can't do that for others.
So I can do what I can. Which is not to allow my life to be a life of fear.
What fear is blocking you?

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