Thursday, February 28, 2008

Why you shouldn't watch the food network

I am hungry! That is why. It is 10:45 at night. I am thinking about going to bed. But since 10 I have been watching Ace of Cakes. And they are making really yummy looking stuff. I want some. Get me some of that cake now! Before I started watching it I was fine. Now I have a great debate with myself. Instant gratification by getting something to eat now, or delayed satisfaction and wait till the morning when I eat breakfast. Ahhhh the agony. What to do, what to do. Any one else suffer from this madness?
(smart Dan add a picture with a cake in it, real smart)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Myron Cope

By now you probably heard of the passing of Myron Cope. Being that I am a die hard Steelers fan, I am sad. Now there was time I would listen to Myron and many times would ask, "What?" His voice is one of those voices you will never forget. Man his passion for his beloved Steelers. In this day and age, I will be honest, I pretty much respect anyone who has passion.
I must admit, one of the things that impresses me the most about Cope is what he did with the Terrible Towel. Granted it was a crazy idea that somehow was a huge success. He walked into a children's home and handed them a contract giving them sole rights to the Terrible Towel. I heard a report that in 2005/2006 when the Steelers won the Super Bowl the proceeds from the Terrible Towel was $900,000. That is pretty impressive. So yoi, and double yoi all you yinzers.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Different Week

This week I am not speaking on Sunday. Actually Patty is. That means that you will definitely want to be at Bakerstown Alliance at 10 am on Sunday.
So I am using this week as a "catch up" week. There are some things that I have not gotten around to lately. Little things that just add up. So today I started to tackle those tasks. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out those 7 Levitical feasts the last 8 weeks (1 week of introduction). So now it is catch up time. It is kind of different. I am really glad to get a break from speaking. I love speaking. I love preparing and all that good stuff. But every so often I need that break. It's a different week, but don't worry I still have a lot to do.

I did it!

One of our heaters (we have electric baseboard heating) broke over the weekend. So I held it and shook it. It sounded like something was loose in there. Hmm..what to do.. Well I decided that I should take it apart and see what I could see. I figured it is already not working what harm could there be. So I go to take it apart and they have these awful torx screws in these deep holes that I can not get to with my bit driver. So of course like all my projects it involves a trip to Home Depot (because I have gift cards). I get a long torx screwdriver. Get home, take it apart in about 2 minutes. Look at it for about 20 seconds. See that one of the wires broke. Go down to the basement, get some electrical tape and a wire stripper. Back up stairs and 5 minutes later I am putting all the screws back together. Plug it in, turn it on, it works!!!! I was so happy. Normally it takes me forever. But it was really easy this time. The point? I dunno. I just wanted to share because it made me really happy.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Rumor Was True

There was a big tent in the church today. We talked about the Feast of Tabernacles -- which could be called Feast of Tents. So it was a good visual aid. Hopefully it will make a lasting impression and we will remember that this world is temporary.
I try really hard to use all my creative energy. Let me tell you, the more creative stuff I do the more tired I become. I am beat. I am tired. It does take a lot to pull everything off.
With all that being said, if it helps one person in their relationship with God it is all worth it. If one person has a better understanding of God, then it is all worth it.
I love the way Bakerstown Alliance gives me the freedom to try weird things like this. I love the way they respond and step out of the norm and embrace whatever whacked out idea I might think of. In the end, it is a lot of fun.
Good night you all.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Tent In Church?

There seems to be a rumor going around. The rumor is that there is going to be a tent inside the church on Sunday. A tent? What'ss up with that? Where did it come from?
I am getting really excited about Sunday. I really like the way everything came/is coming together this week. I think it will be informative, challenging, and a little wacky all at the same time. Those are the qualities that get me excited. So remember Bakerstown Alliance Sunday 10am. Be there. Or else you won't be legendary.

What to do with your summer

That should be really easy to answer. You should serve at Edinboro Camp this summer. Yes you have heard me talk about it before. And I am sure I will talk about it again. I believe in that place. Great things happen there. I know you are all busy. I know you all need money and stuff. I am sure you could come up with 234234123 excuses why you can't do it. But they're just excuses. Come on. Give it a shot. I will make you a deal (which is the same deal I made with God about 15 years ago or so). God has done so much in your life, you should want to give something back. Therefore, give up a week (or 5) this summer, work at Edinboro Youth Camp and if you are not blessed, you don't have to go back. However if God gives you more back than what you gave then the next year you have to come back. And if it happens again, you have to go back. And if it is still happening 15 years later, good! At the rate I am going I think I will be there till I am 85! Give it a shot. Check out the website and/or ask me anything about it. Trust me it will be legendary!

I had to take my 2 year old to the dentist

Yes it is true. Today was the day. The day of the first dentist appointment. Isaiah was scared then excited then scared then excited (repeat 2309402394 more times). When we got there however, we took the elevator up to the 4th floor. He now thinks elevators are cool, so that is a good thing. When we walked into the office there was this rather odd, if you ask me, fish tank picture combo (I should have taken a picture of it). Isaiah loved it. I think that put him in a good mood. When we went back, he sat in the chair like a good boy. Never fussed or complained. The dentist came in, and you should have seen Isaiah. He was a perfect angel. I think I would have complained more than he did. I was so proud of my getting-bigger-every-day little boy. Just thought I would share with all of you out there.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Go Forward Not Sidewards

I got an email today. It was from disgruntled person who was upset about something. No it had nothing to do with Bakerstown Alliance. No it had nothing to do with me personally. Rather it had to do with an organization that Bakerstown Alliance and I am a part of, the Christian and Missionary Alliance.
Now understand I am not saying that the Christians and Missionary Alliance is perfect. I am not saying Bakerstown Alliance or that I am perfect. I know we are all far from perfect. I know we all have our faults.
Here is what I was struggling with. I have done a pretty good job at not attacking people who are preaching the gospel. Everyone has a different way of doing things. Most of the things that people are doing are just ways to accomplish telling people about Christ. Some I personally like, and some don't do much for me. That is fine. I wish them all the best. I don't find myself wanting to pick a fight with them or anything like that. I hope that they are able to reach people for Christ.
What I realize that I am still having problems with is responding when I read emails like that. I get all excited and all consumed. That is not good. I have to do a better job at just throwing stuff like that away (or hitting the delete button).
Time is short. The message of Christ is too important. It is much more important to spend our time and energy going forward not sidewards.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Another Cool Person With a Cool Blog

Here is another person you should add to your daily blog reading material: Bobbi. If you ever get to know Bobbi you will realize that she is probably the coolest person you will ever meet in your entire life. Now you will have to encourage her to post more on her blog. So check it out, read it, and tell her to post more. btw in case you don't like the links it is

Loud Typer

A couple of people have noticed something about me that honestly I never knew before. I am a loud typer. Then I started listening to myself type. It is true. I am not sure if there is a support group out there for me so I could work on my addiction. If any of you are aware of any help out there for loud typers, for the sake of those who have to listen to me type, please let me know.
Something that is really funny is when I am working on a message and I will want to make a point, so I will literally start pounding on the keyboard. I think if I pound harder it will make my point better. Yes I know the computer does not have ears, or even a soul that would need to hear the message. It just makes me feel better.
So now that you all know that I am a freak, you want to share what makes you a freak?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Read this...often

You should add this to your daily blog reading material. I have known Shari for a while now. I know that whatever she posts on her blog will be worth reading. So make sure you check out often. Keep reading it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Is this all they have to do?

Most of you know that I am a huge sports fan. I watch entirely too much Nascar, NFL, and just about any other sport that happens to be on TV. Now with that being said, sports are sports. Entertainment. Not a matter of life and death.
There are a lot of complex issues that our country has to deal with. Wars, security, the economy, etc. I know everyone has their opinions on what all needs to be done and how to do it. That's cool. And that is why we have a goverment.
It seems that lately more and more politicians are getting involved with sports (opinions on steroid use, the Patriots video recording, etc). What I don't understand is why our tax dollars and a lot of time and energy are being spent on sports. Why are we going after baseball, football, or who knows what other sports. They are sports. They are entertainment. They are fun. They are not why we pay our tax dollars. We pay our tax dollars to enjoy the freedom and ability to watch these sports and enjoy them.
Sorry about the ranting. I just needed to get that out.

Just volunteer

I realized a difference that I never thought about between Heather and me. She will hear about something and sign up for it, volunteer for it, commit to doing it. That is wonderful. I rarely ever volunteer to do anything. You have to pretty much beg me to do anything. I don't know why I am like that. I don't know if I could ever change. Now granted you can take it too far and over commit and stuff like that. But if you go too far the other way, you sit on your butt way too much. So the next time there is an opportunity to do something (say like at Bakerstown Alliance) why not do it? Why not give it a shot?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What do you do when it snows?

You play in it, of course! One of the greatest things about having kids is the fact that you get to play with them. When Isaiah woke up from his nap, I ran upstairs, found (ok actually Heather found it...I'm a guy) Isaiah's snow suit, got everything on, and charged outside. I think we were out there for about an hour, just running around and having a good time. I tried to get him to go sledding (only because I like sledding). He seemed scared. So instead, we built a snowman. And here it is:

White = Peace

Today was an interesting day. Well, first of all, last night I forgot to set my alarm. Oops. But it was really nice because I slept an extra hour. So when I walked outside I realized it had snowed a lot. Oh well. That's nice. So I get my car all cleared off head up the road. It seemed cleared. Then I got to the main road. I was covered! Wow! By the time I made it to church after my Starbucks run, I realized there weren't that many people on the road. I got to church and checked, and found out that all the schools started with a two hour delay then closed. So while I was at church today, it was totally peaceful. Normally you hear tires on pavement going by. Not today. I just caught myself looking outside enjoying the peacefulness.

While I was working on stuff for Sunday I read that when the Priest would go into the Holy of Holies, they would not wear their normal multi-color clothes. They would wear a special all-white outfit.

I like that whole concept of white and peacefulness in God with the purity concept and everything. Just something cool to think about.

Monday, February 11, 2008

People I want working for me

So I was thinking about who I want working for me. Or maybe who I want to work closely with. Those would be people who have experienced pain, trials, rough times, major disappointments, setbacks, losses, etc. I want people who have have chosen to move on, to use the pain, to move past that pain, not in some "look at me" sort of way, but in a way where yes, that pain still might exist, yes that loss still hurts, but I am moving on. I just love that perspective. I want to work with people who know this world is a tough world, but choose to lead with their heart.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Why I love running

After four weeks of running again I thought I would share why I love it.
  • The feeling I get after I realize that I am not dead or dying, is incredible. That is when I finish and can breathe again, it just makes me feel so good.

  • My pants fit a little better

  • I have more energy

Now here are the most important two reasons.

  • I can think a whole lot clearer

  • Great time to pray!

So as I keep on running; I am loving it. I am getting closer to taking the big marathon plunge. I let you all know if/when I do.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

We need each other

Being a pastor I get to see and hear a lot of things. Some good things that not too many people know about. Some bad things that not too many people know about. Now interestingly in the last couple of weeks, I have noticed something amazing: the number of people who went through or are going though a similiar problem. My job is to match those people up and get them to share with each other.
I will admit, a lot of stuff that people are dealing with, I do not ever want to deal with. I thank God that I am not the one going thought it. Is that wrong? I pray for the person, I want the best for them, I really do.
But when you can get someone who has been there, man that is a whole new level of support. I have found that to be the case here at Bakerstown Alliance. We really need each other. It is amazing how God will allow you to be in a place to share what you have or what you have been through. When God laid the foundation for this whole Church thing, He really knew what he was doing.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What I did last night

Well first of all, let me start off telling you all what I did not do. I did not make it to our Monday night small group. :( I feel really bad about it. It's such a fun group. By the way, we are taking new memebers in our Monday night group. If you want more information just contact Beth and she will hook you up. By the way we meet at Patty's house. (also we are taking more people in our Thurday night group, led by this guy, and meeting at my house)
I also did not get to spend the evening with my hot wife. There is a good reason for all of this however.
You see, Jamie was sick yesterday. Yesterday was the VBS workshop at the Lighthouse Foundation. With Jamie out sick, the Director of the Lighthouse (also known as my Dad, who, despite my constant encouragement, still does not have a blog) was in a bind. So I offered to help out.
My job was to present a couple of different companies' VBS ideas. Let me give you a couple of thoughts I shared or learned last night.
1. First of all I do not consider myself a VBS expert. We are constantly trying new things. We are constantly saying, "We won't do that again." We do not have it figured out. It was funny last night. People actually though I was an expert. I do have experience, and I have seen/done a lot of different things. Expert? No.
2. Until we find a better way to reach kids, we will still do VBS. I just can't get that "80% of all Christians become Christians before they are 18" statistic out of my head. With that being said I view VBS as a tool to reach kids. Not the end all of end all. The moment I find a better way to reach kids, VBS is gone. No more. But until that point comes, we are going to do it.
3. The people that were there on the first monday of Febuary thinking about VBS in the summer, my hats off to those guys.
4. All the curriculum that was there last night was good stuff. Sure, I liked some better than others. But all of them had their good points. All of them could be effective. I could care less which one people went with, as long as you are doing something. If you like this one better, great. If you like that one better, great. Just do whatever you can to reach kids with the love of Christ.

Oh. One more thing. Happy Birthday Blake!

Reasons to go on mission trips

Now I am sure that you probably have heard about many different reasons to go on a missions trip. I am sure that most of them are true and very valid reasons. But something that you might have not thought about before: Mission trips make for some really good blogs. If you have not read Patty's blog recently, shame on you. She has a bunch of entries about her trip, even some before she ever left. So do yourself a favor. Head on over to Patty's blog and read them.

How I Start My Mornings

Many of you know that I usually like to get to the church by 7:00 a.m. Now doesn't that sound real impressive? Sounds like I wake up and am ready to sieze the day. Well that is not completly true. Let me tell you what really goes on. My alarm goes off and very quickly, as to not wake Heather, I start wacking the alarm clock hoping to find any button just to shut it up. Then I stumble (literally) to the shower. In the shower I actually become aware of my situation. Thoughts go through my head like "Ok. Today is Tuesday. It is the morning. My wife's name is Heather. I have two kids." Stuff like that. Then I get dressed and stuff. The next part is very important. In some shape or form I go and get some coffee. Then I drink the coffee and catch up on my email and blogs. Now I am actually ready to begin.

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Weekend That Was

I mentioned about Friday and how frustrating it was. There was something that I forgot to mention. I got to spend like 3 hours with an older couple who love God with all their heart. Honestly, it is what I want to be like when I am that age. I still want to be focused on God. Focused on people coming to Christ. This couple was just a real encouragement to me. By the way, there is something that impressess me everytime I am there. The guy prays for me. When you go on a visit, you expect to pray for the person, but when the person prays for you, man that is nice.
Saturday was a nice relaxing day that I got to spend with my family. Honestly we did not do that much, we just hung out. The biggest adventrue of the day was a trip to Lowe's where I did not need anything and did not buy anything but still manged to spend an hour there.
Sunday, well that was Sunday. I love my church. I love watching them worship God despite knowing everything (or a lot of things anyways) that has been going on in their life. It's so encouraging to me. Still looking at the 7 feasts mentioned in Leviticus. We looked at Pentecost, and man every feast just leaves me with my jaw on the ground scratching my head and at the same time even more amazed by God. Great times.
Super Bowl 42. I will admit, I was not even close to as excited as I was to Super Bowl XL! Now understand, I don't like the Giants that much, but, my dislike of the Giants isn't even close to my total distain for the Patriots. I am sure the whole state of New England (that's just for Heather) is in total mourning. Being a Steeler fan who has suffered through devistating losses too, I offer this to the state of New England: hahahaha!
Next year........Steelers all the way! #6 here we come!

Friday, February 1, 2008

My Day

It started at like 5:30 this morning with Heather telling me that the power is off. I figured ohh well, I'll probably get up a little bit later because my alarm will no longer be set. Not a huge deal. Well it kept getting later and later and the power was still not back on. Being that I live in a house with all electric (including a well with an electric pump) nothing was working including the heat. So I finally got up, went outside and cleaned off our two cars, which took forever and was very cold. In fact it was one of those days that I never got warmed up until right about now. It just seemed like everything took five times as long as I expected and just over all frustrasting day. Well after like 10 hours, our power was restored. Needless to say I have about 12304810234 branches are all over my yard, but it was to cold to pick them up today. Not to mention the grass was ice and I would have ended up falling. Being that it was so icy, I gave up on runing today. Now of course that leaves me conflicted too. I am tired, so I enjoyed not running. But I also feel like I wimped out. Now at 5:00, I got to eat at Max and Erma's with Heather, Isaiah, and Samuel. Then came home and played with Isaiah. So my day did improve. Just overall one of those days you look forward to going to bed and waking up and tommorow and starting all over.