Saturday was a nice relaxing day that I got to spend with my family. Honestly we did not do that much, we just hung out. The biggest adventrue of the day was a trip to Lowe's where I did not need anything and did not buy anything but still manged to spend an hour there.
Sunday, well that was Sunday. I love my church. I love watching them worship God despite knowing everything (or a lot of things anyways) that has been going on in their life. It's so encouraging to me. Still looking at the 7 feasts mentioned in Leviticus. We looked at Pentecost, and man every feast just leaves me with my jaw on the ground scratching my head and at the same time even more amazed by God. Great times.
Super Bowl 42. I will admit, I was not even close to as excited as I was to Super Bowl XL! Now understand, I don't like the Giants that much, but, my dislike of the Giants isn't even close to my total distain for the Patriots. I am sure the whole state of New England (that's just for Heather) is in total mourning. Being a Steeler fan who has suffered through devistating losses too, I offer this to the state of New England: hahahaha!
Next year........Steelers all the way! #6 here we come!
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