Well first of all, let me start off telling you all what I did not do. I did not make it to our Monday night small group. :( I feel really bad about it. It's such a fun group. By the way, we are taking new memebers in our Monday night group. If you want more information just contact
Beth and she will hook you up. By the way we meet at
Patty's house. (also we are taking more people in our Thurday night group, led by
this guy, and meeting at my house)
I also did not get to spend the evening with my
hot wife. There is a good reason for all of this however.
You see,
Jamie was sick yesterday. Yesterday was the VBS workshop at the
Lighthouse Foundation. With Jamie out sick, the Director of the Lighthouse (also known as my Dad, who, despite my constant encouragement, still does not have a blog) was in a bind. So I offered to help out.
My job was to present a couple of different companies' VBS ideas. Let me give you a couple of thoughts I shared or learned last night.
1. First of all I do not consider myself a VBS expert. We are constantly trying new things. We are constantly saying, "We won't do that again." We do not have it figured out. It was funny last night. People actually though I was an expert. I do have experience, and I have seen/done a lot of different things. Expert? No.
2. Until we find a better way to reach kids, we will still do VBS. I just can't get that "80% of all Christians become Christians before they are 18" statistic out of my head. With that being said I view VBS as a tool to reach kids. Not the end all of end all. The moment I find a better way to reach kids, VBS is gone. No more. But until that point comes, we are going to do it.
3. The people that were there on the first monday of Febuary thinking about VBS in the summer, my hats off to those guys.
4. All the curriculum that was there last night was good stuff. Sure, I liked some better than others. But all of them had their good points. All of them could be effective. I could care less which one people went with, as long as you are doing something. If you like this one better, great. If you like that one better, great. Just do whatever you can to reach kids with the love of Christ.
Oh. One more thing. Happy Birthday