Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Going through a Book of the Bible

I have been a big advocate of preaching through a book of the Bible, just taking each section and spending a week or so on each. I have done this many times. Let me tell you the pros and cons of doing this.

You know exactly what passage you get to deal with each week
You gain a greater understanding of the Bible
You (the one doing the speaking) have to do some extensive research that leads to learning

There is only one and it ,is this: There are some things in the Bible you would rather not deal with.

Take this for example (my example) We have been going through 1 Samuel. It's a very fun book with lots of fun stories. I mean David and Goliath; how could you go wrong? That is fun. Who doesn't like getting to talk about that. Then comes 1 Samuel 28:3-25. Ouch! In this passage there is a lot about a lady who was a medium, Samuel appearing, and all sorts of occult-type activities. This is not stuff I like to deal with. Some people like this stuff. It's not really up my alley. I don't like that occult stuff. I don't like dealing with it. I am not saying that I don't believe it is not out there. I know it is there, and it is real. I just don't enjoy that stuff.
Now with all that stuff said, this is good for me. This stretches me. This forces me to deal with subjects I would not normally deal with. Challenging? Oh yeah.
I am not saying that every series has to be a book of the Bible, but the challenge is to try to get a complete view of the whole scripture.
So if you could be praying for me this week, that would appreciate it.
peace out

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